In Switzerland, old-age provision is based on the three-pillar principle. A distinction is made between state, occupational and private pension provision. The state old-age and survivors’ insurance (OASI), together with the disability insurance (DI), constitutes the first pillar. It serves as a means of subsistence when a person is no longer gainfully employed. The contribution to the OASI and DI must be paid by all gainfully employed persons; the employer pays the same contribution. The 2nd pillar is the occupational pension scheme. Together with the OASI, it is intended to guarantee the continuation of the previous standard of living. All employees are insured, except self-employed persons. In addition to the 1st and 2nd pillars, there is a 3rd pillar called individual pension scheme. This tax-privileged individual provision for employees and self-employed persons is referred to as pillar 3a. Pillar 3b is non-tax-privileged private saving in any form.