Our partners as well as several staff members are lecturers at renowned institutions (Universities of Zurich and Berne, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences, Fachhochschule für Personalvorsorge (a polytechnic institute for pension fund management training), KGP seminars and many others).
In addition, PPCmetrics offers customized and practical trainings in the area of asset management (e.g. for members of the board of trustees). The contents and extent of these trainings are individually adjusted to the participants’ needs and level of knowledge.
PPCmetrics actively supports training and continuing education through the teaching activity of our partners and consultants at several universities and institutes:
AZEK (Ausbildungszentrum für Experten der Kapitalanlagen)
Center for Urban & Real Estate Management (CUREM)
Conférence des Administrateurs de Caisses de Pensions
Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz
Fachschule für Personalvorsorge
Formation pour les membres des Conseils de fondation
Hochschule für Wirtschaft (HWZ)
Institut für Finanzdienstleistungen Zug IFZ
Master of Advanced Studies in Banking and Finance (CFA Track)
Verbandsmanagementinstitut (VMI) der Universität Fribourg
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