Peer Group Comparison

Extensive performance comparisons with institutional investors

At a glance

The PPCmetrics peer group comparison provides you with valuable indications of possible improvement potential regarding your investments. It allows you to identify, in a targeted manner, performance deficits at overall portfolio level and at asset manager level. The peer group can be adapted to your portfolio in terms of asset volume, investment strategy, management type and other characteristics in order to ensure a meaningful comparison.

Choice of peer groups

Suitable peer groups are identified based on the relevant client portfolios.


The scope of the peer group comparison (depth of analysis, portfolios to be covered, interpretation, etc.) is agreed individually.

Key risk figures

In addition to the absolute and relative return, it is possible to compare key risk figures such as volatility and tracking error.

Comprehensive database

includes more than 150 different peer groups with about 4000 mandates (total assets of more than CHF 500bn).

Meaningful conclusions

Measures recommended to improve the investment performance are a fundamental component of the analysis.

Know-how and experience

PPCmetrics has been a leading investment consultant for over 30 years. Exceptionally qualified employees ensure consulting services at the highest level.


The Investment Consulting & Controlling division is certified to ISO 9001:2015 by the Swiss Association for Quality and Management Systems SQS (reg. no. CH-47418). Thanks to the integration of SQS in IQNET (The International Certification Network), the certification is recognised worldwide.

Your contact for the topic

Peer Group Comparison

Dr. Stephan Skaanes

Partner, CEO

Get in contact
Dr. Luzius Neubert

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