Legal Consulting

Economic and legal expertise from a single source

At a glance

We have many years of expertise in all legal matters related to investments. Our broad client base allows us to set standards for professional investors that are recognised on the market. As an independent consultant, we work exclusively in the investors’ interests. Our qualified Legal Team offers you comprehensive advice based on best institutional practice and develops or negotiates appropriate solutions on your behalf with your financial service providers.

Contract negotiations

Analysis of legal risks, review of documents and negotiations with financial service providers (e.g. asset managers, custodian banks). We have a very strong negotiating position thanks to our large client base.

Expert’s report and second opinions

Legal expert’s report and second opinions for courts or lawyers (investment, governance).

Review of complex financial products

Due diligence of illiquid and alternative investments with regard to legal risks and negotiation of side letters to strengthen investor protection.

Sparring partner and legal desk

Consulting on legal issues relating to the regulation of financial markets or to investments such as the specification of contracts with financial service providers, support in the event of breaches of contract or the reclaim of kickbacks.


Comparison of your contractual terms with the largest contract database of professional investors in Switzerland.


Training and workshops on legal issues as well as on questions of investment organisation and best institutional practice.

Your contact for the topic

Legal Consulting

Dr. Eliane Menghetti

Managing Director

Get in contact
Dr. Luzius Neubert

Related Insights

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Presentation at the “EPFIF – European Pension Fund Investment Forum Swiss Seminar”, September 2021

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Presentation PPCmetrics, June 2020

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