When investing their assets, grant-making foundations and non-profit organisations (NPOs) not only have to pay attention to their risk capacity and their long-term financial stability. They often also need to focus on the foundation’s purpose and thus on a sustainable investment policy. When it comes to the subsequent mandating and monitoring of asset managers, a broad comparison of providers pays off (typical criteria are the stability of the asset manager, performance, fees, sustainability, etc.).
Definition of a suitable investment strategy while taking into account the statutes as well as the intended grants.
Proprietary model for any type of foundation (perpetual, spend-down, etc.) to establish your annual expenditure budget that can be financed in the long run.
Assessment of the reserves a NPO needs, comparison with ZEW standards and peer group comparison (around 500 organisations).
Assistance in the selection of banks and asset managers, conducting contract negotiations.
Development of a sustainability concept that is tailored to your needs and can be easily implemented, e.g. in a workshop with the foundation board.
Continuous assessment of investment results and asset managers, identification of any need for action.
No asset management activities. We are exclusively remunerated by our clients (flat fee or hourly wage). Flexible services, no matter the size of your assets.
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