Video – Anlagestrategie / Asset Liability Management
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Foundations and nonprofits
Foundations and associations face a variety of challenges, for example statutorily prescribed asset preservation, fluctuating investment returns, reputational risks, and limited human resources. Through targeted support, we help your organization attain its investment and financial goals.
Distribution policy
We support you drawing up a distribution policy in accordance with investment targets (e.g. preserving real value) and the investment strategy. Our proprietary model enables a grantmaking foundation to maintain long-term financial balance (see above chart).
Investment strategy and asset liability management (ALM)
We help you determining a strategic asset allocation that reflects both the organization’s risk profile and the risk appetite of the trustees (asset liability management). The aim is that the strategy can be pursued even during investment market downturns.
Investment guidelines
Determining a concise yet customized investment policy statement, primarily specifying the responsibilities of the different bodies as well as the investments permitted (investment guidelines). They serve as the basis for awarding mandates to asset managers.
Strategy implementation
Together with you, we develop the mandate structure best suited to you. Besides assessing whether mandates should be actively or passively managed, we also assess the extent to which the organization’s purpose is being served through “sustainable” investment.
Selection of banks and asset managers / renegotiation of asset management fees
The large number of asset managers makes it difficult to choose the most appropriate one. We offer a professional and systematic selection procedure and a thorough knowledge of the economic, operational and legal criteria and risks. Asset management and bank fees are also essential.
Investment controlling
PPCmetrics investment controlling is an efficient management tool for monitoring invested assets. Our tailor-made investment controlling report contains all relevant management information.