“Swiss pension funds contemplate low interest rate scenarios”

“Swiss pension funds are currently discussing future market scenarios under a low interest rate environment, making it difficult for schemes to achieve their target returns in the long term, said Stephan Skaanes, chief executive officer at consultancy PPCmetrics.”

Pension Funds: Consulting Legend Retires

Hansruedi Scherer, a pension fund consultant who has left a significant mark not only at his firm PPCmetrics but also across the entire pension industry, is stepping down.

ASIP ESG reporting guidelines lay obstacle course for Swiss pension funds

Pension funds have taken the ASIP ESG reporting standards, which apply to the fiscal year 2023, as an opportunity to start or expand public ESG reporting, and other pension funds report on ESG for purely internal purposes, Luzius Neubert, partner and member of PPCmetrics’ management team, told IPE.

Swiss investors weigh up illiquids as valuation uncertainties mount

“Swiss investors are endorsing a “wait-and-see” approach on illiquid asset classes, as uncertainty mounts on the real value of the assets, Oliver Kunkel, head of asset manager section and controlling at consultancy PPCmetrics, told IPE. “There are various issues with pricing, and we are closely monitoring how [asset] managers deal with these, including managing redemption requests,” Kunkel […]