
Our organisation is geared directly to clients’ needs

Overall responsibility for corporate strategy and for the management, supervision and control of corporate governance lies with the Board of Directors. The Executive Board is responsible for the implementation of the corporate strategy and the operational management and monitoring of business operations. Nine different divisions are responsible for day-to-day business, with each division reporting to a member of the Executive Board. A large proportion of the workforce, namely around two thirds, have an academic degree in financial economics from a university or university of applied sciences.

PPCmetrics organisation chart

Qualification of our staff

Our staff are the key to our success. Our employees are highly qualified and have broad experience in financial analysis, actuarial consulting, advising institutional and private investors or portfolio management. We ensure that our staff members are able to dedicate sufficient time to our clients. Thanks to the continuous exchange of knowledge and ongoing training both in-house and externally, our staff keep abreast of the latest advances in research and practice.

Breaking new ground and constantly developing together.

Together with colleagues with different backgrounds, training and experience, you will develop ideas to grow together and find the best solutions for our customers.